As a Catholic-Christian American I recognize many moral dilemmas in today's society. My view points come from my own experiences as a former Evangelical Christian, a Catholic convert, a one time law enforcement officer, husband, and father. Time has brought with it a better understanding of the God given inalienable rights which all persons should possess. We in the United States seem to take these rights for granted. Each year that passes by I recognize what seems like slow efforts to erode the Constitutional protections which were set in place and guaranteed by our founding fathers.
I believe that each man and woman is created equally before God. Though our genders inherently make us different it is my belief that our creator made us as equals. We each, regardless of our stage in life, retain inalienable rights to life, liberty, and personal safety. My faith informs me that this right begins at the time we are conceived until that day which God Himself should take such from us in due course of human life and death. With this comes the inherent right to protect ourselves from those who may wish harm upon us.
For this reason I support the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. The founding fathers of this nation, many of whom were Christians themselves, understood the inherent right of all persons to protect themselves and others from the ill will of others.
I have created this blog to provide myself with a public forum with which to express my views and thoughts. These thoughts may relate to religion, government, politics, social justice, self defense and other issues. I understand that others may disagree with my beliefs and opinions. Fortunately, this ability to possess and express an alternate opinion is a right supported both by our Creator and our Constitution. Though I have no intention of offending any person I understand that some may very well be offended by my views. I ask that those folks respond to my comments in a mature and peaceful fashion.
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